The Texas Department of State Health Services is searching for a missing camera that contains radioactive material in Loving ...
LOVING COUNTY, Texas — A camera with radioactive material inside is currently missing near the Permian Basin in West Texas.
A radiographic camera containing radioactive material is missing in Texas. Public urged to contact authorities if found, ...
State health officials have issued a public warning about a missing industrial device that contains radioactive material and that was last seen in West Texas.
Officials said this is an industrial device containing radioactive material that can cause physical harm if handled.
Officials said they received a report that a SPEC-150 Industrial Radiography exposure device, known as the "IR camera," ...
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services received a report that an Industrial Radiography Camera containing ...
An industrial radiography camera containing radioactive material was stolen Wednesday night in Kernersville, authorities said ...
KERNERSVILLE, N.C. (WITN) - The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has issued an alert after receiving a ...
According to DSHS, it is notifying the public in Loving County — north of Pecos — of a missing radiographic camera and that the risk of exposure is low. The radiographic camera was owned by ...