"For my grandad, who felt like my best friend, to forget me overnight, it was soul-destroying," says Katie Robinson, ...
Your dedication means we are one step closer to helping people living with dementia get the support and care they need. Whatever your reason for collecting, join a collection and help end the ...
Baer, who is a nurse at Huntsville Hospital, said her sensory blankets are designed to provide comfort to patients.
We worked together with co-researchers living with dementia, the Forget Me Not research group, to create a series of 5 videos that address common issues in communication. The Forget Me Not ...
I was, I am, the same man that I’ve always been – albeit one that could forget what ... but let me tell you, that is not something I’ve done because of dementia. You try singing material ...
The Esk Valley line in the North York Moors will be running the first of its new 'Forget Me Not' special trains for people ...
If you have a story idea I would love to hear it. You can email me: [email protected] or phone The Senior 02-4355-5000, mob. 0487 495 805 I'm a senior news journalist at The Senior ...
THE Museum of East Dorset is supporting Dementia Action Week with a Forget-Me-Not campaign. The museum is calling on crocheters and knitters to create woollen Forget-Me-Not flowers, the symbol of ...
The first new Forget Me Not special train for people living with dementia arrives on the Esk Valley Whitby to Middlesbrough ...