Ruling is a skilled trade, Plato argues. And like any other trade, not everyone has the talent or the training to be good at ...
The key to the Constitution, say Landy and Hale, is that it establishes a republic, not a democracy—perhaps an underappreciated nuance but an important one, in that a republic guards individual rights ...
Many Americans chose not to believe what they were saying. Will we now believe what we are seeing? To be clear, “they” are ...
But our history has been a story of strengthening democracy, expanding rights and making government more responsive. If we’re disappointed with democracy, the answer is to reform it, not abandon it.
America is a federal republic, and the states—at least ... Nothing is inevitable, and democracy will not fall overnight. Do ...
The Republic abides. This was framed by many ... Among the more effective ways to undermine one’s chances, if not democracy ...
Alright, my fellow citizens, you've got me. The word "Democracy" does not appear in the U.S. Constitution. The United States of America is a "Constitutional Federal Republic." ...
The Republic, the best-known work of ancient Greek philosopher Plato, authored around 375 BC, has shaped western political thought. Greece is now known as the “cradle of democracy”.