The Sims franchise, beloved for its rich legacy and iconic gameplay, is gearing up for its 25th anniversary in February 2025. Fans of the series have been eagerly awaiting news, and it seems their ...
Older Sims games have just started getting some attention as of late, hinting at one surprising big release in the near future.
In August 2000, what would become the critically acclaimed Sims franchise received its very first DLC. The Sims: Livin’ Large ...
Developer Maxis is gearing up to celebrate The Sims 4’s 25th birthday by introducing a wealth of new content through two ...
Simmers are starting 2025 with not one, but two major free updates to The Sims 4 base game - including a new look for the ...
"So it begins," Sims modder SimMattically tweeted after discovering the update.
The upcoming update to The Sims 4 overhauls the main menu to better emphasize the current save file players are working on.