Sri Lanka came in first place. The island nation achieved an impressive score for its education system (0.7 out of 1.0) and a ...
The recently opened Pekoe Trail, which runs for more than 300km through tea plantations, villages and forests, tells the ...
Sri Lanka is attempting to sustain economic growth ... In 2017, the government promulgated plans to transform the country into a knowledge-based, export-oriented Indian Ocean hub by 2025.
What it's like to ride Sri Lanka's famed Kandy to Ella train line What it's like to ride Sri Lanka's famed Kandy to Ella train line Why Sri Lanka’s south coast should be your next surfing destin ...
Sri Lanka has not ratified the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. UNHCR continues to advocate with the authorities for them to: ratify the 1951 Convention ...