Seizures can cause falls and injuries like tongue bites or fractures, and they pose a risk of choking due to saliva or food ...
There are two main types of seizures. Focal, or partial seizures happen in just one part of the brain, while generalized seizures seem to occur all over the brain. Symptoms usually vary depending ...
If you or a loved one has experienced a seizure, you know how scary they can be. The uncontrolled jolting, stiffening of the body, and even loss of consciousness can be unnerving under the best of ...
Childhood Absence Epilepsy (CAE) is a neurological condition causing brief, unnoticed seizures often mistaken for daydreaming. Starting around age 4 and peaking at 6-7 years, it is treatable with ...
Organized in 1986, the UAB Epilepsy Center is an effort of the Department of Neurology in conjunction with UAB Hospital to offer clinical, research, and education services to patients with epilepsy.