"Primavera," a film about Antonio Vivaldi, the Italian Baroque composer and violinist who penned "The Four Seasons," has been ...
The wheels are in motion on a Polish Frédéric Chopin biopic, while a film on Antonio Vivaldi began shooting in Rome last fall ...
Professional musician Alexandra Shatalova Prior guides readers through the nuances of some of the world's best-known ...
The recorder was very popular around the 18th century, when composers like Antonio Vivaldi and Johann Christian Bach were alive. Vivaldi even wrote concertos specifically to be performed by one.
Trailblazer Antonio Vivaldi thought so. Around 300 years ago when he wrote The Four Seasons he was one of the first people to compose music that was designed to remind listeners of places and ...
The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra will perform this popular work, led by concertmaster David Coucheron, on Jan. 10 and 12 at Symphony Hall and on Jan. 11 at Spivey Hall. The Jan. 11 ...
Even in the mid-20th century, Vivaldi’s reputation as a composer was so small that not even the exact date of his birth or the place and date of his death had been established; his music was very ...
Trailblazer Antonio Vivaldi thought so. Around 300 years ago when he wrote The Four Seasons he was one of the first people to compose music that was designed to remind listeners of places and ...