Known as the inspiration for the character Donkey, voiced by comedy legend Eddie Murphy in the 2001 animated classic “Shrek,” Perry was a beloved staple in the Palo Alto community, remembered for his ...
A famous donkey from Palo Alto that helped inspire the movie character "Donkey" in "Shrek" has died. Perry was 30 years old. In an Instagram post, BPDonkeys, wrote on Friday, "We are heartbroken to ...
Barron Park donkey Perry nibbles on grass during a Sept. 1 ceremony where the Palo Alto Humane Society presented him and fellow donkey Jenny a $2,000 check for veterinary services. Courtesy Steve ...
Known as the inspiration for the character Donkey, voiced by comedy legend Eddie Murphy in the 2001 animated classic “Shrek,” Perry was a beloved staple in the Palo Alto community, remembered ...
A Jerusalem miniature donkey, Perry was born in New York in 1994. In 1997, he was transferred to Barron Park in Palo Alto in the San Francisco Bay Area. Perry, whose name was short for Pericles ...
Perry the donkey has now died at the age of 30 as a result of an illness. The four-legged friend was the model for the character of Donkey in the film Shrek.
His passing was announced on the Barron Park Donkeys Instagram account, an animal park in Palo Alto, Calif. that Perry called home for the last 27 years. Perry the donkey was reportedly paid $75 a ...
Perry had lived in Barron Park since 1997 and he was a mascot for the city of Palo Alto, California. Perry, the donkey who inspired Eddie Murphy's character in the Shrek films, has died at the age of ...
PALO ALTO – Perry, the Bay Area donkey who was the inspiration behind the beloved character in the DreamWorks' 2001 film "Shrek," died at the age of 30. In an Instagram post, Barron Park Donkeys ...
PALO ALTO, Calif. -- A famous donkey from California that helped inspire the movie character "Donkey" in "Shrek" has died. Perry was 30 years old. In an Instagram post, BPDonkeys, wrote on Friday ...