The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, today met with the Chief Executive-elect, Mr Sam Hou Fai. The two agreed to keep in ...
The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, today cordially congratulated Mr Sam Hou Fai on his election and on becoming the ...
Organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), the opening performance Tosca – Opera in Three ...
Macao Orchestra Company, Limited and SJM Resorts, S.A., the Macao Orchestra x Hong Kong Ballet: “The Butterfly Lovers” Ballet ...
The Commissioner Against Corruption Chan Tsz King led a delegation of the CCAC to Beijing to attend the 5th Plenary meeting and the 8th Steering Committee meeting of the Global Operational Network of ...
为配合特区政府“1+4”适度多元发展策略,加快培育高新技术产业发展,经科局于去年推出《科技企业认证计划》,通过评鉴制度识别出本地具资质的科技企业。经评审委员会多维度进行评审后 ...
為配合特區政府“1+4”適度多元發展策略,加快培育高新技術產業發展,經科局於去年推出《科技企業認證計劃》,通過評鑑制度識別出本地具資質的科技企業。經評審委員會多維度進行評審後 ...
国家互联网信息办公室联同澳门特区政府经济及科技发展局、个人资料保护局,共同制定及推出《粤港澳大湾区(内地、澳门)个人信息跨境流动标准合同》便利措施。 便利市民于大湾区工作及 ...
经济及科技发展局、交通事务局、治安警察局、旅游局及市政署今(10)日拜访氹仔社团及商会,就国庆假期间氹仔旧城区的人流及交通安排听取意见。 做好预案确保出行安全 双方进行了良好 ...