Rome and Ostia to this day are pockmarked with remnants of Jewish heritage: a menorah on the bas-relief of the first-century ...
As they worked, the team uncovered a smaller rectangular room with a wide set of steps leading down to a well. Archaeologists identified it as an ancient Jewish ritual bath, known as a mikveh, dating ...
After running a gauntlet through the city's byzantine laws, officials repealed the last of a set of archaic regulations ...
More than just a product of their time, Georgian houses have proved remarkably adaptable. Whether carefully preserved or ...
Spend a long weekend in Bath, Somerset with Cosmopolitan's tips on where to stay, what to do, and where to eat and drink.
Many Bath residents of a certain age fondly recall the lido as the place to be, especially during warm weather ...
For a taste of the idyllic countryside just beyond town, walk (or bike) the five-kilometre towpath along the Kennet and Avon ...
England’s best city within two hours of London is beautiful, historic Bath. The city is popular and expensive, but a delight ...
After more than 18 months of hard work on his dream home, Drew Pritchard is in a frantic dash to the finish line before he ...
Salvage Hunter star Drew Pritchard seemed to bite off more than he could chew on he took on a massive new project, which ...
'It's not enough: I want to live somewhere beautiful'. Have you thought about York, Canterbury, Lincoln, Ely, Harrogate, ...