A coordinated scam unlawfully offers heavily discounted tours and tickets for various attractions in Hawaii, including state ...
Hawaii partners with the LA Rams in a $1.86 million marketing deal that includes activities in LA, Japan, and Maui, according ...
HONOLULU (Island News) -- Hawaii has entered into a marketing partnership with the NFL’s Los Angeles Rams that includes ...
If you don't want to fight the crowds at Waikiki Beach in Oahu, try this underrated beach park that is nearby with just as ...
State officials are warning the public after confirming a new travel-related case of the dengue virus on Maui. According to ...
Visitors to the 31st Aloha Festival at Tempe Beach Park on March 15-16 will be immersed in the sights, sounds and tastes of island culture, from Hawaii to New Zealand, ...
Coastal erosion is eating away at shores all over the world, forcing residents and wildlife to flee and putting lives at risk. These shocking photos show the extent around the world.
With direct flights into Hawaii – at least from Australia – only taking you to Honolulu on the island of Oahu, many guests to the closest American State to our country don’t take the opportunity to ...
Early crew members of the voyaging canoe Hokulea have gathered in Hawaii to celebrate the vessel's 50th birthday.
With spring break season underway, and summer coming soon, these are some coastal destinations which might convince you to ...
In 2011, the Honolulu Academy of Arts joined forces with The Contemporary Museum to create the Honolulu Museum of Art. This museum features an art collection that spans across seas, styles and ...