Primavera,” a film about Antonio Vivaldi, the Italian Baroque composer and violinist who penned “The Four Seasons,” has been ...
Imagine being in an art museum and using scissors to cut out your favorite parts of a painting to reassemble them into ...
Pieces in the program include Antonio Vivaldi's "Winter" from "The Four Seasons"; Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Snowflakes" from "The Nutcracker"; and Rimsky-Korsakov's "Dance of the Tumblers" from "The ...
Eric Valinsky The next free concert from the Santa Barbara Music Club, now in its 55th season, will feature a program of ...
The wheels are in motion on a Polish Frédéric Chopin biopic, while a film on Antonio Vivaldi began shooting in Rome last fall ...
The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra will perform this popular work, led by concertmaster David Coucheron, on Jan. 10 and 12 at Symphony Hall and on Jan. 11 at Spivey Hall. The Jan. 11 ...
Neilson Hays Library is hosting "Early Music Concert" featuring different instruments and musical styles from three musicians ...
The musical show 'Come Bach,' running at the venue until January 12, features four talented women musicians.