Bjarni Benediktsson forsætisráðherra óttast ekki brotthvarf reynslumikilla þingmanna Sjálfstæðisflokksins og segir endurnýjun ...
Atburðarásin sem hófst þegar Bjarni Benediktsson baðst lausnar fyrir ríkisstjórnina við upphaf síðustu viku afhjúpaði meðal ...
Frá árinu 2018 hefur Hagstofan þurft að leiðrétta á annan tug frétta um hinar ýmsu hagtölur. Aðstoðarframkvæmdastjóri SA ...
Leiðtogar ríkisstjórnarinnar eru bjartsýnir á að þingið nái að afgreiða fjárlög fyrir miðjan næsta mánuð. Forsætisráðherra segir að þeir flokkar sem ætli sér að sitja hjá við afgreiðslu málsins séu ek ...
Iceland gears up for a parliamentary election on Nov. 30 following the collapse of the three-party coalition government. Disagreements over policies among the Independence Party, Progressive Party, ...
Iceland will hold a parliamentary election on Nov. 30 after the country's prime minister on Sunday said the three-party ...
Iceland will hold a snap election on November 30, the government said Tuesday, following the collapse of the fractious coalition.
The European Union on Monday blacklisted five Moldovan pro-Russia politicians and one non-governmental organization promoting ...
A governmental crisis erupted in Iceland after Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson on Sunday announced the government's ...
Iceland’s Prime Minister, Bjarni Benediktsson, has announced the end of the country’s governing coalition and called for early elections to be held on 30 November. Watch for more details!
Iceland's President Halla Tomasdottir said Monday she would decide this week whether to call snap elections and dissolve parliament, a day after a fractious coalition government collapsed.
Iceland may face a snap election as Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson dissolves the parliament due to coalition ...