In towns such as Brest this can result in fees as low as €70 a year. However, in Marseille the average figure is around €217.
In towns such as Brest this can result in fees as low as €70 a year. However, in Marseille the average figure is around €217.
The ‘l'arrondi épargne’ system enables shoppers to round up their purchases to the nearest euro, and deposit the excess in ...
To replace a lost or stolen, card you need to apply through France’s Interior Ministry website. Choose the option Je déclare ...
Local authorities may ask for an étude de sol before you install a new sanitation system that is not connected to sewers ...
A whale was spotted in the Seine river this week, with authorities believing the animal to be a humpback whale (baleine à ...
Spider bites are rare in France, unless you come into direct contact with a spider, and are essentially unheard of in a home, ...
After her vision deteriorated in one eye, Finistère resident Ann Edwards, 80, had to go into hospital for an cataract ...
Bernard Arnault, whose net worth is estimated at $177billion, was reportedly once denied entry to his office as the guard did ...
The French supreme court has overturned a decision by the court of appeal on what constitutes a ‘gift’ by a parent ...
A French Pacs is recognised as the equivalent of a UK civil partnership. The UK government website confirms this, stating: ...
The UK government has updated its official website to provide information for Britons living in France regarding the new ...