解放軍東部戰區今日在台灣周邊, 展開名為"聯合利劍-2024B"的圍島演習, 陸軍、 海軍、 空軍及火箭軍等兵力, 於台灣海峽、 台島北部、 台島南部、 台島以東, 演練海空戰備警巡、 要港要域封控、 及奪取綜合制權等項目.         發言人說, 演習是捍衛國家主權, 維護國家統一的正當必要行動.         官方新華社期後報道, 遼寧艦航母編隊在台島以東海空域, 同海陸空火兵力, 進行 ...
Eight animals were found dead in a Hong Kong zoo, the city's government said on Monday, a rare incident in the financial hub, with necropsy and laboratory         tests arranged to find out the cause ...
NASA is set to launch a spacecraft to Jupiter's moon Europa, considered one of our solar system's most promising spots to search for life beyond Earth, to learn whether this ice-encased world believed ...
台灣的賴清德就解放軍軍演, 召開高層會議, 指示相關單位應對處理, 又說有信心和有能力守護台灣的安全.         台灣的防衛部門批評解放軍的行徑"不理性和挑釁", 說昨日已經掌握解放軍軍演的可能發展, 已要求全軍官兵提高警覺, 加強監控, 以及同海巡等單位密切協調合作, 以不升高衝突、 不引發爭端的態度應處, 並已經通令三軍部隊, 檢討適切兵力應處、 嚴密掌握解放軍火箭部隊等動態, 任務機艦 ...
The Australian government has committed new funding to boost preparedness for the potential arrival of a deadly strain of bird flu.                  The government on Monday announced an additional 95 ...
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said on Sunday that an enhanced Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) for the Western Balkan region was within reach as his country seeks to make itself fit fo ...
沙田火炭黃竹洋街8號一間數據中心的電錶房在早上10點左右發生爆炸, 一名男職員手臂及面部燒傷, 救護員到場將傷者送往沙田威爾斯親王醫院救治. 警方正調查事故成因.
港股今早大幅波動, 大市低開23點後, 早段跌過200點穿兩萬一後一度輕微倒升, 之後再度向下, 半日最多跌過558點, 之後逐步回升, 臨近中午收市又一度倒升, 恒生指數中午收市報21164點, 跌87點, 成交1722億元.         安踏體育(02020)上季旗下FILA零售額下跌, 股價跌近百分之9, 是跌幅最大藍籌, 李寧(02331)都跌百分之4, 特步(01368)跌百分之2, ...
Iceland's Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson announced the end of the country's governing coalition on Sunday and called for elections to be held on Nov. 30, Icelandic public broadcaster RUV reported.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Sunday that defence relationships with his country's partners would have to change in light of North Korean         transfers of people as well as weapo ...
China's military launched a new round of war games near Taiwan on Monday, saying it was a warning to the "separatist acts of Taiwan independence forces", drawing condemnation from the Taipei and U.S.
八達通營業及市務總監李玉兒表示, 港人北上消費, 在十一國慶黃金周期間, 以八達通app的虛擬銀聯卡的交易上升五成.         李玉兒在本台節目上表示, 今年首三季旅客手機八達通活躍用戶按年上升五成, 使用量更上升四倍, 未來會繼續成為推廣重點.