It's located on the eastern outskirts of Peak Hill, about 450m from the main street, Caswell Street/Newell Highway, on the ...
Cricket season ends on a high for 17s Junior cricket is done and dusted for summer and what a season it's been for Parkes' Under 17s. Parkes 17s took on Forbes in the grand final at Woodward Oval on ...
Member for Orange Phil Donato held his fourth annual Community Recognition Awards event at Borenore where over 150 people ...
A man has been charged with grievous bodily harm after an alleged assault that resulted in a woman being airlifted to Sydney ...
MP Philip Donato has officially opened an office in Forbes, giving him a base in the west of his electorate. While the office ...
Former councillor says bridges need ‘more suitable’ names In regard to the suggestions put forward for the naming of the new ...
Poker run roars into Parkes bringing thousands of dollars to region A massive 220 riders took part in this year's Grenfell ...
In an effort to improve safety in a pedestrian hot spot at the northern end of our main street, new LED pedestrian lighting ...
Rams go down swinging in good day of rep footy Western Rams took on Macarthur West Tigers in the Under 16s and Under 18s in ...
Parkes Shire Council has provided an update to its 20-year Housing Strategy which comes with four proposed amendments. Most ...
Good effort on Clean Up Australia Day but more hands needed Brothers Oliver and Emmerson Hughes even pulled on the gloves to ...
On 29 June she and 55 other members of the orchestra, who come from all parts of country NSW, will depart Sydney for a 15-day ...