AB 2243 paves the way for easier conversion of industrially and commercially zones properties for residential development.
The devices release as much air pollution as driving 1,100 miles and have been banned in over 100 U.S. cities.
As the uses of curb space become more diverse, city officials are working to understand how to best manage this increasingly ...
A century-old law calls for a three-fourths vote to approve new projects when neighbors oppose the project, blocking ...
The city is seeing fewer speeding violations after installing traffic calming measures and boosting enforcement to limit ...
This piece is reposted with the author ’ s permission from Vessel Magazine.
The online map builds a comprehensive database of fire prevention and mitigation efforts at every level of government to help ...
The SFMTA is improving service at off-peak hours and on weekends to accommodate new travel patterns that rely less on weekday ...
While renters and homebuyers’ challenges dominate the headlines, they aren't the only ones wrestling with maintaining decent ...
The guiding document for U.S. road design is starting to recognize the needs of people walking and biking, but safe streets ...
The Iowa Department of Transportation has rejected a majority of applications to continue speed camera programs in cities ...
The first commercial-scale offshore wind installation in the United States is powering roughly 70,000 homes in Long Island, ...