The Brian Dempsey Memorial Pamphlet Prize, now a biennial competition, is open for entries from writers in the UK. Entries can be on any subject. Poems eligible to be entered should be unpublished ...
Doctors often use antidepressants to manage the depression, anxiety and agitation that accompanies a diagnosis of dementia. Now, a new study suggests the use of antidepressants may hasten the ...
Excessive alcohol use over a long period of time can cause memory and behavioral changes, often described as alcoholic dementia or alcohol-related dementia. Contributing factors may include head ...
There's no single test to diagnose dementia; it’s a process. You may go through several types of tests. The tests look at how your brain thinks or reasons (cognitive tests), functions ...
Parkinson’s can cause a condition called Parkinson’s disease dementia. This condition is marked by a decline in thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving. Parkinson’s disease is a progressive ...
Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Friendly Communities recognition scheme will come to an end on 31 December 2023. If you’d like to apply or renew your recognition for 2023, please email [email protected ...
Dementia patients should stick to daily goals in order to live longer, new research has suggested. Fulfilling objectives throughout the day, such as meeting grandchildren, making tea or going for ...
“[People from] Ikaria, Greece, live about eight years longer [than US citizens, on average], largely without dementia, no discernible dementia,” he said. An estimated 6.7 million Americans are ...
The NIDUS-Family package of care uses goal setting to help people with dementia live well at home for longer. New research from Queen Mary University of London in collaboration with UCL shows that ...
Hospitals must get better at recognising and treating delirium in patients because it may be causing long-lasting brain damage and dementia, doctors will tell the Government. The condition ...
Your morning run might be pulling double duty for your health. Of course, it’s good for your heart, but it also might protect you from dementia. Think of your muscles like a dry sponge, said Steven K.