Imposter syndrome is when you doubt your own skills and successes. You feel you're not as talented or worthy as others believe, and you're scared that one day, people will realize that.
Surgery may be necessary to revise the contours of the face ... and there are several that result in telltale facial anomalies: Apert syndrome: A craniofacial abnormality characterized by an abnormal ...
This is called a colectomy. Your surgeon also removes nearby lymph nodes. Surgery to remove part of the colon is called a hemicolectomy or partial colectomy. Surgery to remove the whole of the large ...
Surgery to remove a small part of bowel lining (local resection) This surgery is for small, early stage cancers. Your specialist removes the cancer from the bowel lining, along with a border of ...
Knowing what to do if stitches break open after surgery can prevent complications later. If stitches start to separate, the incision should be covered with a clean bandage. Keep an eye on the wound in ...
Surgery, either with surgical resection (removal of the tumor) or a liver transplant, offers the best option to cure liver cancer, if it can be done. Surgery may not be possible if the tumor is large ...
Strasburg had been recovering from a stress reaction in his second and third ribs that is related to his thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) surgery. He built up this offseason to throwing bullpens, and he ...