Last quarter full of events, culminating in the surprise cut in interest rates Federal Reserve (Fed) by 50 basis points ...
Rendering of the Google data center powered by the nuclear mini-reactor. Credit: Google. Alphabetthe holding company of which ...
Giorgio Pirani Economic-cultural journalist Professional journalist expert in current affairs, culture and economics. He ...
There Arabic writing is accomplished from right to left For religious, historical, cultural motivations but also for ...
The direct line was closed at 6pm on Wednesday. In the session of European stock exchangesthe tech and luxury sectors ...
Increased circulation of respiratory viruses, including Covid, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus, has prompted some ...
Several Eurozone countries are facing what appears to be challenges opposed: reduce debt of the public sector in relation to ...
Credit: REMspace An experiment conducted last September 24th by the Californian startup REMspace would have led to first ...
The ECB is preparing for another interest rate cut: tomorrow the Governing Council is expected to announce a new reduction ...
Currently there are approximately human beings inhabiting the Earth 8.2 billion: twice as many as we were in 1974. However, ...
In recent days, news has appeared in the media that a new study has demonstrated the Spanish origins and not Genoese Of ...
A edible transistor based on pigments present in toothpaste to monitor the state of health of the human body from ...