The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, today met with the Chief Executive-elect, Mr Sam Hou Fai. The two agreed to keep in ...
The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, today cordially congratulated Mr Sam Hou Fai on his election and on becoming the ...
統計諮詢委員會第四十七次全體會議於今日(10月8日)舉行。會議由統計暨普查局局長、諮詢委員會主席黃善文主持,議程包括匯報統計暨普查局及澳門金融管理局兩個官方統計編制機關2024年 ...
特區政府跨部門工作小組一直密切留意氹仔舊城區臨時行人專用區的人流情況。今(7)日是國慶假期氹仔舊城區臨時行人專用區實施的最後一天,經連日來聽取氹仔社團、區內巿民及商戶反映的 ...
Macao Orchestra Company, Limited and SJM Resorts, S.A., the Macao Orchestra x Hong Kong Ballet: “The Butterfly Lovers” Ballet ...
The Commissioner Against Corruption Chan Tsz King led a delegation of the CCAC to Beijing to attend the 5th Plenary meeting and the 8th Steering Committee meeting of the Global Operational Network of ...
Organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), the opening performance Tosca – Opera in Three ...
統計暨普查局資料顯示,最新一期(2024年6月至8月)的整體住宅樓價指數為214.5,較上一期(2024年5月至7月)下跌0.9%,澳門 ...